What Is the Story Arts Challenge?
We are thrilled to share an exciting new storytelling curriculum and a prerecordedĀ event for you and your students.
This learning experience includes a student-facing mini-series of videos followed by a prerecorded Q&A featuring Booker T Mattison, author, filmmaker and professor of entertainment and media studies at The University of Georgia. The curriculum and event are designed for students in grades two through graduate school and will serve as a powerful way to bring industry professionals and world-class storytelling standards into your classroom.
More About the Curriculum
This learning experience will be useful for teachers who are teaching any of the following:
Character description
Conflict & Resolution
Digital media (film, animation, graphic design / illustration, etc.)
Imagery and metaphors
Sequence of events
Dramatic or creative writing
Narrative techniques
Editing and revision
To access this learning experience, you can log onto this Story Arts platform to read the teacher guidance and watch the videos. The curriculum includes flexible modules that take anywhere from 2-3 hours to use in your classroom, and can be used at anytime.
Standards Addressed
Download Guide for Relevant Standards
Course Overview
About Your Instructor
Bone Structure Lessons
Lesson 1 - Bone Structure Overview
Lesson 2 - Bone Structure Challenge
Lesson 3 - Story Structure Challenge
Lesson 4 - Crafting Story with Revisions
Lesson 5 - Feedback Review
Live Recording
Discussion on character formation. Student story previews, industry feedback and perspectives.

About Your Instructor
Booker T Mattison - Author, Filmmaker and Professor of Entertainment and Media Studies at The University of Georgia
Booker T Mattison is an author, filmmaker, and a professor of entertainment and media studies at the University of Georgia, where Students gain professional-level skills and valuable tools for conceiving what stories are worth telling. Mattison was the screenwriter and director for the film adaptation of Zora Neale Hurston’s story “The Gilded Six Bits,” which aired on Showtime. In 2011, he released his second novel, “Snitch,” which received a starred review in Publisher’s Weekly. Mattison’s debut novel “Unsigned Hype” was nominated for a South Carolina Book Award in the Young Adult Category. He is currently working on his third novel “Friendship Village.” Prior to UGA, Mattison taught at the College of New Rochelle, Brooklyn College and Regent and Hampton Universities. Mattison received his Master of Fine Arts in film and television from New York University and a Bachelor of Science in mass communication from Norfolk State University.