What is The Story Arts Challenge?
This learning experience includes a student-facing mini-series of videos followed by a live Q&A featuring Jessica Talbert, User Experience Researcher Manager at Chime. The curriculum and event are designed for students in grades five through graduate school and will serve as a powerful way to bring industry professionals and world-class storytelling standards into your classroom.
More About the Curriculum
In this quick-paced lesson, students will use industry models to create a user story that motivates a company to make a new product or feature.
Teachers are encouraged to use this lesson as a tool for creative literacy to teach their classroom standards. A formative rubric and summative rubric are provided, but they may be edited to incorporate specific standards from your academic area. In addition, Story Arts lessons integrate literacy across the curriculum, including standards of:
- Key Ideas & Details
- Craft & Structure
- Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
- Text Types & Purposes
- Production & Distribution of Writing
- Research to Build & Present Knowledge
- Comprehension & Collaboration
- Integration and Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas
To access this free learning experience, you can log onto this Story Arts platform to read the teacher guidance and watch the videos. The curriculum includes flexible modules that take anywhere from 2-3 hours to use in your classroom. While the curriculum can be used at any time, we recommend that teachers hoping to attend the live virtual event start before the week of September 5th, at the latest.
If you cannot attend the live event with your students, no worries! It will be recorded and shared with you afterward for optional use in your classroom. Also, this will be the second in a series of eight similar storytelling curricula and events during the 2022-2023 school year! Each learning experience will feature an industry professional and will cover topics such as TV screenwriting, how to live emcee an event, storytelling through branding and UX design, and more.
We hope to see you at the live virtual event September 30th, 2022.
Standards Addressed
Key Ideas & Details
Craft & Structure
Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
Text Types & Purposes
Production & Distribution of Writing
Research to Build & Present Knowledge
Comprehension & Collaboration
Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas
Course Overview
About Your Instructor
Lesson 1 - Guest Speaker & Discussion
Lesson 2 - 'Story elements' practice and application
Lesson 3 - Rhyming and song-writing challenge
Lesson 4 - Feedback, writing, and reflection
Additional Teacher Tips and Resources
Course survey and wrap-up

About Your Instructor
Jessica Talbert is a strategic UX Researcher with a passion for human-centered design and 10+ years of experience across technology, innovation, and retail. After graduating from Stanford Business school, Jessica served as head of customer experience at Boon Supply (a retail company), UX research for Lyft (a global ride sharing company), and is the User Researcher Manager at Chime (a financial services company). Jessica will share how she uses storytelling to build empathy, which improves products and experiences for her customers.